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Thursday, January 30, 2014


"I'm awake" I yelled then I was fast asleep.  Then I felt my mom shaking me to wake me up.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


SQUSH!! "gross  you stepped on a dead jelly fish" My cousin said. I looked forward and saw so many dead jellyfish(by the way I was at the beach in Florida).  then we walked over with my other cousin and played with a alligator named Kurt(He was a blowup toy).

Monday, January 27, 2014

year-round school

"I have found it [year-round schools] was a huge nightmare. It's not good for children. It's not good for families. It's not good for the community."Linda Dalton, Orange County parent and committee member Orlando Sentinel, Orlando, FL, 6/2/95.  The beginning of a three-month break from school seems to be as much a summer as barbecues and beach vacations. “By 2012, education groups estimate, more than 5 million pupils — about 10 percent of all children enrolled in American public schools — could be going to school year-round” (Johnson) The complaints start coming about midsummer, most parents agree. "There's nothing to do! I'm bored." Yet those are words that Joyce Welch rarely hears. These days, her grandchildren attend Englehard Elementary School in Louisville, Ky., where year-round schooling has been in place for seven years.But, according to the National Association for Year-Round Education, more than 2.3 million U.S. public school students attended year-round schools in the 2002-03 school year. The number has steadily grown since the 1986-87 school year, when only about 360,000 students were enrolled in year-round schools. NAYRE also reports that 3,181 public schools now function year round, compared with 408 schools in 1986-87.

Work cites
 LeePhillips1234“By 2012, education groups estimate, more than 5 million pupils — about 10 percent of all children enrolled in American public schools — could be going to school year-round” (Johnson)1/17/14 The complaints start coming about midsummer, most parents agree. "There's nothing to do! I'm bored." Yet those are words that Joyce Welch rarely hears. These days, her grandchildren attend Englehard Elementary School in Louisville, Ky., where year-round schooling has been in place for seven years.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"I have found it [year-round schools] was a huge nightmare. It's not good for children. It's not good for families. It's not good for the community."Linda Dalton, Orange County parent and committee member Orlando Sentinel, Orlando, FL, 6/2/95.  The beginning of a three-month break from school seems to be as much a summer as barbecues and beach vacations. “By 2012, education groups estimate, more than 5 million pupils — about 10 percent of all children enrolled in American public schools — could be going to school year-round” (Johnson) The complaints start coming about midsummer, most parents agree. "There's nothing to do! I'm bored." Yet those are words that Joyce Welch rarely hears. These days, her grandchildren attend Englehard Elementary School in Louisville, Ky., where year-round schooling has been in place for seven years.But, according to the National Association for Year-Round Education, more than 2.3 million U.S. public school students attended year-round schools in the 2002-03 school year. The number has steadily grown since the 1986-87 school year, when only about 360,000 students were enrolled in year-round schools. NAYRE also reports that 3,181 public schools now function year round, compared with 408 schools in 1986-87.

Work cites
 LeePhillips1234“By 2012, education groups estimate, more than 5 million pupils — about 10 percent of all children enrolled in American public schools — could be going to school year-round” (Johnson)1/17/14 The complaints start coming about midsummer, most parents agree. "There's nothing to do! I'm bored." Yet those are words that Joyce Welch rarely hears. These days, her grandchildren attend Englehard Elementary School in Louisville, Ky., where year-round schooling has been in place for seven years.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


SQUSH!! "gross  you stepped on a dead jelly fish" My cousin said. I looked forward and saw so many dead jellyfish(by the way I was at the beach in Florida).  then we walked over with my other cousin and played with a alligator named Kurt(He was a blowup toy).

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Field Trip

1. Math is included in history and the way kept changing.+`
2. You always need to learn your basic math.
3.Temperature is something you need to know.
4.Soldier need to know math.
5. Money is another math skill they are measuring the water.
6.They used the flour to make bread.
7.They got to make bread and eat it.
8. They smash pie in the guys face?
9.Black smith were very important.
10. There where huge scales.
11. To make weapons you need to use math.
12. They are making shirts and muskets holders.
13.Its a tie.
14.The tie breaker is probably hard.
15. they shot cannons when they won.

"Eric  GET UP We are leaving in fifteen minutes" "I'm up" I said sleepy but then I fell right asleep...5 minute later. " get up or we will leave without you"

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


"Bye bear!" I said when I was leaving..... two hour later. I was sitting in the car just getting out when I herd Cameron yelling "BAD BOY!" I walked in to see what bear did (bear is my dog) Cameron told me that I forgot to lock bear up and he got into something. Then i walked into the family room and bear ripped up a bag.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My other dog

Air Duct

"BOOM BANG BANG" The hose was flying around it was for cleaning the air ducts.  Some how it unhooked from the air ducts and it hit my dog in the face. I did not know what was going on. my dog was shaking for the rest of the day.

Monday, January 13, 2014

my new laptop

One day I went to my grandma's house. When we got there, my dad gave me and my brother a gift. I opened it fast, and it was a Acer laptop. I opened the laptop and my mom bought a case to go with it.  My brother and I played on it the whole car ride home. I am writing this on the laptop  right now.
  •  new interests at summer camp, playing ball at the Y, or traveling with Mom and Dad. But millions of others are loitering in parking lots and shopping malls, and cruising iffy websites.
  • Summer break can be a big  inconvenience for today's families.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

wii u

When we were un rapping the present then I saw a Wii u, Then my parents told me to look in the bench  and there was two Wii remotes and just dance. So we opened it and played and setup all day. Then my cousin Katie came over and we danced she won.