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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Year-Round School

The beginning of a three-month break from school seems to be as much a summer as barbecues and beach vacations. “By 2012, education groups estimate, more than 5 million pupils — about 10 percent of all children enrolled in American public schools — could be going to school year-round” (Johnson) The complaints start coming about midsummer, most parents agree. "There's nothing to do! I'm bored." Yet those are words that Joyce Welch rarely hears. These days, her grandchildren attend Englehard Elementary School in Louisville, Ky., where year-round schooling has been in place for seven years.But, according to the National Association for Year-Round Education, more than 2.3 million U.S. public school students attended year-round schools in the 2002-03 school year. The number has steadily grown since the 1986-87 school year, when only about 360,000 students were enrolled in year-round schools. NAYRE also reports that 3,181 public schools now function year round, compared with 408 schools in 1986-87.

Work cites
 LeePhillips1234“By 2012, education groups estimate, more than 5 million pupils — about 10 percent of all children enrolled in American public schools — could be going to school year-round” (Johnson)1/17/14 The complaints start coming about midsummer, most parents agree. "There's nothing to do! I'm bored." Yet those are words that Joyce Welch rarely hears. These days, her grandchildren attend Englehard Elementary School in Louisville, Ky., where year-round schooling has been in place for seven years.